Jul 26, 2024
I couldn’t wait any longer to have this chat with D.C. and recorded this episode while sharing a 2 bedroom vacation home with my family, please excuse the noise of my parents in the background. This chat is exactly what you need to hear right now, so drop everything, share it with a friend and then listen in! D.C is a self-proclaimed wordsmith and the author of the book “An Artist’s Manifesto: Writing under the influence of a Millennial emergence”. D.C. studied English Literature at Yale and credits their writing success to reading books over 8,000 years old!
In this episode - that’s a little over an hour - we talk about why you can never really find your purpose, why we’re dropping out of society, existential crises, and why we shouldn’t be afraid to answer big questions.
[WARNING: from 37:47 to 51:20 questions are asked about sexual abuse and self-harm]
Five MUST LISTEN segments: